i²c F&I Talk #51 with Georg Hauer: “Building a FinTech unicorn – and the lessons we learned”

N26: “Building a FinTech unicorn – and the lessons we learned” by Georg Hauer In 2019, Germany finally saw the birth of its first fintech unicorn. Only six years after its launch, N26 is now the leading mobile bank in almost every European market and aiming to enter the US later this year. In this talk, Georg Hauer will speak about the journey of N26, from starting small to becoming one of the most influential fintech brands around the globe, how to disrupt one of the biggest industries of the world and turn something that people don’t usually identify with – their bank account – into something they love. What lessons has N26 learned along the way? Georg Hauer will give insights on how N26 raised 500 million USD from investors and established N26 as a successful European company with currently more than 750 employees in Berlin, Barcelona and New York. ---------------------- The Founder & Investor Talks organized by the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) at TU Wien enable the audience to learn first-hand from experienced founders and investors. They share their international experiences, dos and don’ts and lessons learned during inspiring talks and answer questions in interactive Q&A-sessions. The talks are concluding with the possibility of networking with like-minded people.
Created on
April 19, 2020
in Category
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