i²c F&I Talk #49 with Karin Kreutzer and Stefan Artner: “From pitch to investment and beyond”

AUBMES Invest: “From pitch to investment and beyond – our experiences with founders and co-investors” If you watch the various pitching shows on TV, you could get the feeling that an investment in a start-up is fixed after 5 minutes. Or even not. Investors don’t need any longer to make their decision. Start-ups don’t anyway. Everybody likes each other. Believes in the idea. Ask a few questions about the figures and the market. Agrees on shares and prices. And everything is “paletti”. Until the big exit all positive and friendly. On the contrary, our experience says so: Bullshit. Before the investment and after the investment there are various hurdles to overcome which need time & patience. Let´s talk about them. ---------------------- The Founder & Investor Talks organized by the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) at TU Wien enable the audience to learn first-hand from experienced founders and investors. They share their international experiences, dos and don’ts and lessons learned during inspiring talks and answer questions in interactive Q&A-sessions. The talks are concluding with the possibility of networking with like-minded people. Follow this link to learn more: https://i2c.tuwien.ac.at/
Created on
April 17, 2020
in Category
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